1. How does the Membership work?

There are two options for membership, monthly or annual. The downloads for each both work the same way. Every month, on the date you signed up, you will receive two new credits. They can be used to download two units of your choice. If you don’t use the credits they will accumulate in your account. They can be used at anytime as long as you still have a membership with Creative Kids Art Lessons.

2. What is the difference between the monthly and yearly membership options?

In the monthly membership, payment is made each month. With a yearly membership one payment is made for the year. There is a great discount for signing up for the full year too!.

3. How can I see how many credits I have to use?

Log in to the website with your email and password. Click on subscriptions from the left hand menu. Under the starting date it will have the number of remaining credits you have to use. It will also show you the date when new credits will be added to your account.

4. How do I download the units?

When you have a paid membership, you will have credits to choose a unit to download. After choosing the unit you want, the downloadable files will show up on the left of your screen. The download is best done on a desktop computer. You can choose to download individual lesson plans from the list or the zip file at the top which has all of them.

When you click on the “All Files” or an individual lesson plan, the file will begin to download. The download will show up at the base of your window so make sure you can see the bottom of the screen or window.The zip file will show up as a yellow file with a zipper on it and the title of the file. Click on the file name and it will open up as a pdf for a single file or it will open the zip file to show you all the pdf files inside. Most operating systems have built-in software that can open ZIP files so you shouldn’t have to download any software. The zip file contains all the lesson plans and reduces the size of the download.

5. Can I pause or cancel my subscription?

You can pause or cancel your subscription from the ‘Subscriptions’ page. At the top of the page it will have your membership number and your type of membership, monthly or annual. For example; #5317 – Membership – Monthly

Click on the membership number and it will come up with the option to pause or cancel your membership. Pausing your membership will keep your account with Creative Kids Art Lessons but no further payments will be taken and no additional credits will be accrued. Cancelling your subscription will cancel the account.

6. What can I use Creative Kids Art Lessons for?

The lesson plans can be used for any face to face classes or for personal use such as to do the art projects yourself or with home school groups. Art studios can use the lesson plans for face to face classes. We do ask that you tag us in any Instagram or Facebook posts when you post to social media. We’d love to see the work you do!

7. Can I get help with the lesson plans?

If you need some further explanation or have a query about a specific lesson, we are happy to help. Please send an email from our ‘contact us’ page or join the Creative Teachers Group on Facebook to access our team of teachers and the Creative Kids Art Lessons community.